Fire Brick Lode Project
Grant Lake Corporation owns the 960 acre Fire Brick open pit prospect. The claims are located 78 air miles NNW of Anchorage and 50 air miles west of Willow Alaska on the Parks Highway. The claims are accessed by helicopter or a 48 mile winter ice road.
Fire Brick is a gold, silver and copper, sulfide ore body. Exploration and sampling hosts 16,326,531 indicated tons with an average recoverable grade of .045 opt au (1.40g/t) and 2.00 opt ag, and 285,714,286 inferred tons at .028 opt au (.87g/t) and 2.00 opt ag. The gold resource is estimated at 8,734,694 oz au from 302,040,816 tons. Current plans call for a 20,000’ drilling program, Preliminary Economic Analysis (PEA) and Prefeasibility Study (PFS) followed by continued drilling and road construction.
The Fire Brick project is available for investment, lease, joint venture or purchase.