Kahiltna Placer Mine
Grant Lake Corporation owns the 960 acre Kahiltna Placer Mine. The mine is located 53 air miles NNW of Anchorage and 40 miles SW of Trapper Creek Alaska on the Parks Highway. The claims are accessed by air via a 1,000’ airstrip or a 32 mile pioneer road.
Kahiltna Placer Mine Exploration and sampling hosts 2,000,000 cubic yards indicated resource and 4,000,000 cubic yards Inferred resource pay gravels with an average recoverable rate of .029 ounces gold/cubic yard. The gold resource is estimated at 174,000 oz au from 6,000,000 cubic yards. Current plans call for trench sampling on all 15 claims in 2020 followed by access road construction and mine startup at <100 cubic yards/hour in 2021 at the first of three 2,000,000 cubic yard mines followed by staged expansions to bring all three mines into production by 2029.
Each of the three Kahiltna projects is available for investment, lease, joint venture or purchase.